In a remarkable event that unfolded on September 12, 2023, The Akinyele Magbagbeola Foundation marked a significant milestone with the launch at Elesun Adeoosun Cooperative Hall, Orire Local Government Area, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
The Akinyele Magbagbeola Foundation is dedicated to creating lasting impact and improving the lives of individuals in need. Two key areas that the foundation focuses on are providing healthcare services and empowering women and widows.
The Akinyele Magbagbeola Foundation may be a new entrant in the realm of philanthropy, but our determination and passion to create positive change know no bounds.
The Akinyele Magbagbeola Foundation is driven by a noble mission to empower individuals and communities through education, healthcare, and support for basic needs. With its unwavering commitment to core values such as empathy, equity, collaboration, innovation, and accountability, the foundation aims to create sustainable change and foster a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.